Europeiskt nätverk för unga vuxna med marfan

Inom Marfan Europe vill man bilda ett nätverk för unga vuxna med marfan i de europeiska länderna. Här kan du läsa mer om hur man kommer i kontakt med detta:
Hello folks!

At the last meeting with Marfan Europe Network in Paris, Hanne and I were elected to head of the young adults. Our aim is to start an exchange of young adults on an international level.  Therefore we are looking for interested young adults (between 18-28) who want to meet with us online about 2 times a year. We want to take up the topics that are close to your hearts.
If you are interested in meeting with us, please do not hesitate to contact us. There is also a whats app group for young adults where we can exchange experiences at any time. If you know someone in your area who would be a good fit for the young adults group, please share this message.
You can reach us at the following email address:
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes
Hanne and Barbara
